How to Purchase the Mega Jam Dance Tutorials
- When you click on the “Buy Now” button for a tutorial you will be redirected to the PayPal website.
- If you HAVE a PayPal account already you will be able to select whether to use funds from your PayPal Account Balance or from another payment source such as a bank account or credit card.
- If you DO NOT HAVE a PayPal account you will still be able to use a VISA or MasterCard to complete your purchase
- Once you have completed your purchase you will see the payment confirmation screen from PayPal, and you MUST click on the link “return to Luis Pinto” to be redirected back to the Mega Jam website and complete your membership registration.
- If you do not complete your registration directly after your purchase you will receive an email to your inbox from Mega Jam asking you to complete your registration after a couple of hours. Our server sends this email out to new members a few times per day, so please check your inbox regularly, as well as your Junk/Spam folder for an email with the subject “Please Complete Your Registration to the Mega Jam Website“.
- If you have not received this email within 24 hours of your purchase, then please contact our Technical Support department on the Contact Us page with a copy of your PayPal Receipt number and we will respond within 24 hours on a weekday, and within 48 hours on a weekend.
I purchased a tutorial but there was no download button, link or email sent to me. How do I get instant access to my tutorial?
After completing your purchase at the PayPal website you MUST click on the link “return to Luis Pinto” to be redirected back to the Mega Jam website and complete your membership registration.
If you do not complete your registration directly after your purchase, there will still be an automatic email sent to your inbox from Mega Jam asking you to complete your registration after about an hour. Our server sends this email out to new members a few times per day, so please check your inbox regularly, as well as your Junk/Spam folder for an email with the subject “Please Complete Your Registration to the Mega Jam Website“.
If you have not received this email within 24 hours of your purchase, then please contact our Technical Support department on the Contact Us page with a copy of your PayPal Receipt number and we will respond within 24 hours on a weekday, and within 48 hours on a weekend.
If you used eCheque as your payment method in PayPal you will have to wait for the payment to be cleared before your access is granted.
I am trying to purchase a tutorial and when I put my credit card info in there is no option for states in the United States. There are only Australian states listed. So, under billing it keeps saying – “please enter a valid address”.
Please make sure you have selected your country at the top of the form.
My country is not listed in PayPal and I get the message “only credit cards from approved countries may be used on Paypal”
This is a limitation from PayPal. We would like to be able to offer our tutorials to all countries all over the world. PayPal was our first option as it is the largest payment provider in the world and accessible to most people. We suggest keeping an eye on PayPal’s website as new countries and payment sources are being added to their website continuously.
I received the email “Please Complete Your Registration to the Mega Jam Website” but I am unable to complete the registration multiple times without success
Once you receive the email with the subject “Please Complete Your Registration to the Mega Jam Website” as below, please click on the long registration link.
You should see a registration form on the website where your first name, last name and email address is already filled out.
All you need to do is:
- Fill in your Username
- Fill in your Password
- Type in your Password again to Confirm
- Click on Submit Registration
After this you will be immediately logged into the site and access your tutorial.
If you are still experiencing problems after these steps then please contact our Technical Support department by using the form on our Contact Us Page.
After purchasing another tutorial I logged into my members account and it was not there, when will it be available for me?
If you are an existing member of the Mega Jam website and have purchased multiple tutorials they will be automatically credited to your account after you have completed your payment with PayPal. If they are not showing up in your Members Dashboard please try the following two options:
- Refresh the Members Dashboard page a few times. This may seem obvious but sometimes our web browsers still hold a cached version of the page even after we have refreshed the page.
- The other option is to go into your web browsers settings or options and clear the browser cache and remove your cookies. After this we suggest restarting your computer before logging back into the website.
I forgot my password and/or member username
Please follow the link on the Members login page entitled “Lost Your Pasword?” and fill in your email on the next form.
An email will be sent out to you where you can reset your password. It can take up to 1 hour before you receive this email, and please check your Junk/Spam folder if it has accidentally been delivered there.
I cannot play the tutorial on my computer or my Video Player is giving me an error message
Common errors from video players:
- The selected file has an extension (.mp4) that is not recognised.
- Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.
- Video aborts during playback.
- Error loading media file, could not be played.
Because the video tutorials are large files (over 1 Gigabyte) there can be problems experienced while downloading, which means the video file did not transfer completely and you are trying to play an incomplete video file. This is usually the cause for 99% of the problems experienced during the playback of the video files.
As all our tutorials are hosted on the Amazon S3 and CloudFront network you will be getting the fastest download speeds and also the server that is closest to your location. For example, in the United States there are 14 servers spread out across the country at the time of writing this post.
The tutorials are all created using international standards of MPEG4 Video (H.264 Codec) and AAC Codec for the Audio. This is common for most computers as you can use most players like Quicktime, VLC, Windows Media Player etc. Because we use international standards there is no difference in the files from the U.S., Australia or other countries.
To help you with downloading the tutorial to your computer, please install download manager software, which will help you to resume files if the transfer was disconnected for some reason. We recommend FlashGet, which you can get from here:
Follow their instructions to install on your computer. This software will be able to keep an eye on your downloads so that if a file is not completed it can resume downloading from where it left off.
Once you have installed a download manager please login to the mega jam website, select your tutorial from the members dashboard, then please right-click on the download button and choose “Save Target As” or “Save Link As“. The download manager should now download the tutorial for you and also manage any disconnection problems while downloading.
I can’t play the tutorial on my iPad, iPhone or other mobile device or experiencing problems with the playback
If you are experiencing problems while playing the tutorial on your mobile device it is usually due to the internet connection or the video not having downloaded completely.
First try waiting a couple of minutes to see if the video starts to play. Sometimes the mobile device will take longer to load the video, particularly if you are trying to stream the video over a wireless connection or over a mobile network . WE DO NOT recommend streaming over a mobile network as you may use up your data plan or incur excess data charges.
If you are still experiencing problems with viewing the tutorial after waiting a few minutes then follow the steps listed under “I cannot play the tutorial on my computer or my Video Player is giving me an error message“, to use a download manager on your desktop computer to first get the whole video file and then copy the file or sync the mobile device so that the tutorial will be available on your mobile device.